Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Isaac... one year, three weeks, and four days old.
...prefers older women.

...loves baby tylenol.
...likes to eat with a fork.

...had his last bottle three weeks ago. *Gulp, sniff.*
...can reach everything that you think is "out of reach".
...uses food as hair products.

...will drink out of any sippy cup.

...can drink out of a straw.
...started Mother's Day Out three weeks ago.
..."lights up the room" according to his Mother's Day Out Teachers. starting to make "Alex faces".
...loves when someone wakes him up from a nap, but hates to wake up to an empty room.
...has fun with friends.

...gets excited and yells "Hi Dad!!" whenever he sees a phone.
...rubs his face when he's tired.

...can stand on his own but has no interest in walking.
...has grown four teeth in the last month. a very busy boy.

...has versatile hair.

...usually chooses to color with crayons rather than chew on them. But not always.

...has taken an interest in books. curious.

...still sleeps a lot.
...still loves his paci and his horsie.

...loves to be outside.

...has the sweetest face. going to cause a lot of trouble. But he's going to do it with a wink and a smile.


momboe said...

aaaaaaawwwwwwweeeeee.......drip, drip, drip, heart is melting....

vicki said...

O how I didn't need to see this tonight. Love them for me pleeeeeeeaaaaaasssssseeeeeeeeee