Monday, June 1, 2009

22 Months: The Lost Weeks

I try my hardest to keep my vast collection of photos organized, typically by month and then by event within each month, but between months and events and backing my pics up on the hard drive, a group of pictures will occasionally get misplaced. This time, it was a bunch of pics that should have been part of the 22 month post slideshow that I posted a couple of weeks ago. I found them when I was organizing my laptop (which has since bit the dust), and it was one of those exciting EUREKA! moments, like when you find a twenty dollar bill (who am I kidding, a one dollar bill) tucked away in the pocket of your jeans. So anyway, since the last post was short on Alex pics, here are a bunch more. Consider this "22 months, continued"...


Joy said...

cute, cute, cute!!! love 'em. can't wait to see you guys!!

Sarah. said...

I might have to steal that picture of Alex playing the guitar Nick gave him while wearing the US AirForce Academy shirt Rachel gave him! Love the pic of Murphy pup wearing the sunglasses! Did I see a couple of in there too?

Sarah. said...

Sarah? Why is YOUR name coming up on my comment?

Alison said...

I have something for you on my blog post for Friday, June 12th (