...is sitting on his own (my favorite milestone, I'm totally psyched).
...sits in the front of the grocery cart (Praise Jesus).
...still loves a bath.
...thinks almost everything is funny. Especially his brother's face.
...is big. And heavy. And my arms hurt.
...fits perfectly into 12 month clothes and is quickly moving into size 4 diaper territory.
...is very laid back but chock full of energy. If such a thing is possible.
...does not like to cuddle.
...looks like Alex in this picture.
...loves to eat paper. And wrapping paper. And paper towels. Did I mention cardboard? The kid would chew on a shoebox all day long.
...loves to play with his brother's toys.
...prefers noisy toys that light up and talk.
...is still the sweetest baby ever. I mean ever.
oohhhhhhh....my heart. There it goes. He has it.
Six months old for real. You sure he's not still five months. Oh he is growing toooooooo fast. But, I must correct you, he smiles 99.9% of the time !!!!!!!!!
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