Wednesday, May 28, 2008

So that's where I put that dust bunny...

Packing the entire contents of one's house is about as much fun as...I don't know...something really not fun. I swear, I would spend half a day cramming things into boxes and somehow end up with more things to pack than I started with. Like, when I wasn't looking, my stuff was mating and multiplying, creating lots of new stuff that had to be packed - and quickly, before those things found their mates and reproduced and I had even more stuff to deal with. I was a little crazed by the end of the week, and started to reconsider my aversion to having the movers pack all my stuff in addition to loading and moving it. And, apparently, they don't go through your underwear drawer. So I'm thinking next time - if there ever is a next time - I'd be willing to let complete strangers box up my stuff in lieu of attempting to survive another attempt to do it myself.

Alex tried to help, but honestly, Alex's efforts to "help" are usually more of a hindrance. I'm sure he has good intentions...

I did manage to get almost everything packed by the time the movers showed up Friday morning. I was scrambling a little bit that morning to get a few last things into boxes and get some boxes taped and labeled, but for the most part, the packing and loading went smoothly. Those guys were in at 8:30am and out by noon. Poor A had nowhere to nap and was a bit of a mess for most of the day, until I finally set up the pack 'n' play in our closet. We all had to sacrifice a little when it came to sleeping arrangements. For example, here's where Timothy and I slept Friday and Saturday night. Not exactly what I'd call "luxury accommodations".

The most challenging thing about packing was that we didn't know exactly when our stuff would be delivered to Dallas. During the survey, we were told that the truck could show up any time the following week, so we had set aside a week's worth of clothing, toiletries, food, etc., that we would need if they didn't get our load to Dallas until the following Friday. And, all of those things needed to fit into the car. We hardly have room to spare during a weekend trip to Eldo! It wasn't until the movers arrived that we found out they'd be delivering our stuff on Monday. By then, it was too late to reassess what we would and wouldn't need for the weekend, then pack the unneeded items into boxes so we could load them into the truck. Oh well, it was only five hours to Dallas. So we'd be a little uncomfortable. At least we'd be prepared...

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