Friday, October 2, 2009

Up in the air

Hey all, so I have about three blog posts in the works, but I have spent most of the week preparing for our trip to Chicago this weekend, thus those posts are on the back burner. We are flying with Alex for the first time (eeeeeeeekkkkk!!), and we are not taking laptops because we are attempting to pack light (although I'm not entirely familiar with that concept, I think it is something that Tim made up).

HOWEVER, after five grueling hours spent in the mobile phone department at Best Buy, Tim got his new Blackberry, and we got upgraded to the plan that lets me Twitter and check email from my Blackberry. Yes, I am officially "in the now". So I plan to offer up frequent updates about our trip, so you have a few options if you are interested in hearing how A is faring and how (whether) we are surviving with a two year old on a plane*. If you already follow me on Twitter, well then, you are good to go. If you are on Twitter but don't follow me, find me at @chachkedesigns. If you are not on Twitter and want to be, go to Twitter, sign up, and follow me at @chachkedesigns. If you know nothing about Twitter and don't care to, then you can just check my updates under the "Follow me on Twitter" heading on the right hand side of this here blog, under my Flickr slideshow. Got it? Good. Here we go.

*It seems to me that this concept might have made a better premise for a horror movie than snakes on a plane, but God willing, A will prove me wrong.

1 comment:

vicki said...

Grammy says thank you, thank you for the updates. What an answer to prayer as I was sitting at my desk wondering how it was going, checked the blog and WaaLah, there are all your updates !!!!!!!!!!!!!!Love ya'll and tell your husband thanks for upgrading your plan - Ya'll have a great time and tell B and Grandpa and all the college boys and families El Do says Hello!