Wednesday, August 6, 2008

the beast within

Blogger was a booger and wouldn't let me upload these pics earlier, hence the untimeliness of this post. But we had lots of fun while Leah and Chris were here last week and have pictures to prove it. So here they are.

Wednesday night, while Timothy was still in self-imposed quarantine in his Hyatt Place hotel room, Leah, Chris, Alex, and I went to dinner at the California Pizza Kitchen. It started out well. We ordered our pizza, and while we waited for it to arrive, Alex drank his milk and ate some blueberries. Like a good boy. Our pizza came, and it was good too. Good times.

Then, Alex reached up and peeled his face off to reveal the writhing and squealing beast of child that apparently lurks beneath his sweet and innocent facade.

It was pretty embarrassing and all the more stressful since Timothy was not there to help. But Auntie L came to the rescue - or should I say, Auntie L's iphone came to the rescue...

On Friday afternoon, after Timothy had finally finished his exam, Leah and Chris came over to hang out.

We had a little Wii tourney and then decided to tempt fate and take Alex to dinner with us to Buffalo Wild Wings. Thankfully, he had napped better that day and didn't reenact Wednesday night's CPK fiasco.

I think he was just in a good mood because Auntie L bought him some new kicks.

Maybe that's the key to good dinner behavior - new shoes before every meal. Hmmm, he might be onto something...Anyway, after dinner we went back to the apartment and continued our tournament. Alex got his jammies on and brushed his teeth while he watched Auntie L demonstrate her Wii skills.

He went to bed soon after, with little protest after such a full day. Tim and Chris finished up a quiet game of Wii baseball (quiet because the living room is right outside of Alex's door, and we have a light sleeper on our hands), we all said our see you laters, and then Tim and I went to bed, with no protest after such a full day...


leah said...

We had a great time with you guys too!! So glad y'all got to see us :-)

And just so everyone knows.....Alex was NOT that bad during supper. Sarah is definetly exaggerating!!! Nanny 911 was not needed for the meal!

Karyn said...

We tagged you!

Chatter said...

I don't believe he was a terror. He's way too cute to ever make mom and dad mad :)

I can't believe how big he's getting!