Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mom's Day

Besides having the best mom (and mother-in-law, for that matter) in the whole world, I have the best kid in the whole world. And while it may not be typical to honor a two year old boy on Mother's Day, the way I look at it, I wouldn't even be a mom if it weren't for him. So I think he deserves some props for his participation in this whole thing (and on that note, I suppose my baby daddy deserves a shout-out, too). Man, I love this kid.

p.s. Stay tuned for more photo from this particular day with A (taken last week and not actually on Mother's Day, for the record)...probably after the post about Easter I'm trying to finish...and the one about Alex's parent-teacher conference...and a little something about a fun birthday party we went to recently...oh, and the one I started four months ago about being pregnant for the second time...etc...etc...etc...


Laura Williams said...

Hope you are feeling well. You look great! Love the pics!

momboe said...

oooohhahahaa.a,ahaahaaa....I LOVE the second picture! LOVE IT! OH! I might have to frame that one!