Tuesday, October 26, 2010

MOPS Fall Party

We had our MOPS fall party a couple of weeks ago at Owens Family Farm. It was one of those things that was a great in theory, but as I was trying to feed both boys lunch, change dirty diapers in the grass, take pictures, chat with friends, keep Alex from climbing into the pens with the animals or wandering off into the wild blue yonder, and prevent my three month old from getting heat stroke, I was all, is this worth it?

Ultimately it was because Alex had a blast with his friends and I got a few minutes of quality time with mine. He rode the "train" with Jaron, hitched a ride on a hayrack, dumped cupfuls of feed near the animals (without actually feeding any of them), and ran around with Charlotte.

The hayride was short but sweet. It was nice to have Alex contained for a few minutes, although it was hard to take many pictures because I needed both hands to operate the camera, which left no hands to keep Isaac from bouncing off of my lap. Somehow I managed to snap a couple of pictures between bumps, and Isaac only faceplanted into the hay a few times. Just kidding. It only happened once.

Alex and Jaron were all about riding the "train".

After that last picture, I put the camera down and hollered something to Alex about how his arm was going to get ripped off and the train was going to run over it. I think I made my point. Next, Charlotte and Alex played in the flowers.

Alex didn't spend a whole lot of time with the animals, but he did peek in on what the horses were doing.

Charlotte couldn't resist taking a peek herself.

The price of admission to the farm included our choice of two pumpkins from the pumpkin patch. Alex has a thing for pumpkins, so I let him pick mine out, too.

Isaac, my precious child who never screams, was screaming bloody murder by this point. I really had a moment of panic when I couldn't console him with a cuddle, a bottle, or a pacifier, and I was totally convinced he had heat stroke. I cranked the A/C in the car and he finally calmed down. Phew, crisis averted.

1 comment:

grammy said...

Luv this post but especially the pic of A and Charlotte in B/W. That looks like the cover of a card. I'm sure you can come up w/something :::))))