Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Pig Sooieeee!

We had a great time this past weekend. Bill, Vicki, and Leah (and Cinder and Elle Mae) came up, along with 22 (you heard me, twenty-two) other people from El Dorado, to attend the Hogs v. Kentucky Wildcats basketball game at U of A. We started the day with some provisions from Rick's Bakery, where I proceed to eat for two (or three). A sausage roll, cake donut, and lemon-filled pastry later, we headed to the arena. We cheered as hard as we could, and somehow still lost the game. However, the redeeming factor was that The Razorback Shop had 25% off of all Hogs apparel, so I scored a long red hoodie that actually fit over my gut and Vicki found some cute Razorback onesies for 2B, aka future Hogs fan.

After the game, we all headed to Red Robin to harass the harried servers for a bit before heading to the Northwest Arkansas mall. The experience was very reminiscent of a junior high field trip, as 28 of us attempted to make our respective stops without losing anyone in the process (we tried the buddy system, but all the hand-holding was drawing odd looks). The previous events of the days had me exhausted. How exhausted was I? I was too tired to shop. Okay, I did get some pants from the Hog Shop and Vicki bought me some things from Motherhood Maternity. But for the most part, I just sat on a bench outside of the stores waiting for everyone else to get done. Needless to say, I was ready to get home and pass out.

Sunday morning was no less eventful. Seth Primm is a worship leader at our church and was nice enough to ask Timothy to join the praise team so his visiting friends and family could witness his debut vocal performance. We met for the 9:30 service, Timothy and Seth sang like angels, and the Eldo crew even got a shout-out from that morning's teaching pastor, who also happened to be a native

We ended our little adventure with lunch at Cracker Barrel (and Mom, everything on my plate fit nicely into the "brown-beige" category. You'd've been so proud...) and everyone headed home.

After a much needed two hour nap, Timothy and I headed up to Lowell to watch the Superbowl with the Primms. We stuffed ourselves with yummy seven-layer dip (care of Joy) and good conversation (care of Seth, Joy, and Oliver). We even got to observe bath time (Oliver's bath time, if you were wondering) to try and pick up pointers for 2B's bath times to come. All around good time, as usual.


leah said...

For some reason, out of the 4 pictures of all of us in the car.......the one of me that I hated the most ended up on the blog! how rude :) I was gonna do some typing for grammy, but since she does her own "blogging", I'll let her comment later!! Had fun this weekend......all 20-something of us!!! Rebekah still says she is movin' on up (with child support ofcourse)

momboe said...

TTTOOOOOO TIRED TO SHOP!!! Baby girl, are you okay??!!! Whew! Oh, the weekend sounds like you guys had sooooo much fun! I might have to quit my job (oh, wait, I already did!) and just move down there so I don't miss any of the fun.
I always wondered how you spell

grammy said...

Better keep that makeup on and lipstick fresh because these pictures are showing up everywhere!!!