Saturday, March 3, 2007

A Day in the Life: March 2, 2007


Joy said...

my gracious, you all of a sudden look huge!! (in a really good way, of course...huge is good when you're pregnant :)) - it's like you popped this last week. SO FUN!!! You are beautiful.

Patti Zantout said...

What an awesome, twosome you are! You sure be agrowing, girlie. By the time we see you you will truly be two (whoops, 3 counting Daddy TIm). We hope to be in your neighborhood sometime in August. Can't wait. Love you, Mimi

suza and bob said...

Bob says glowing???
Suza says Nah

suza and bob said...

Sarah, you have nothing on Suza who really was huge. She is looking for the picture now and if we find it we will email and you can post it for the whole world to see.