Wednesday, May 26, 2010

No room to spare

We moved Alex into his "big boy room"...I don't know...6 months ago...? And I am just now getting around to posting pictures of it. Imagine that.

We decided to go all out with a train theme, hoping his excitement about living with trains would thwart any anxiety over moving out of his old room (and more to the point, over letting his little brother move
into his old room). Luckily, A is really good at adapting to things and has transitioned really well to almost every new thing we've thrown at him. This was no exception.

About 60% of what came out of the playroom went into Alex's closet. I am trying desperately to prevent Alex from being a complete slob, to convince him that cleaning is fun and important and that each of his things has a "home" that it belongs to and "friends" that it wants to be with. To that end, I have added little tags to many of his toy bins and his drawers so he will look forward to cleaning up because I am of doing it myself. So far, it has worked, but I am just waiting for the novelty to wear off and I'll have to go back to cracking the whip.

Isaac's room is finally in move-in condition, too, so I wanted to post a few pictures before he takes up residence and it's never seen in this pristine condition again. We wanted to recycle the green furniture that my dad had made for Alex's room, but I didn't want to do the same old dots and stripes stuff that we did for Alex. So we decided on a vintage cowboy theme (when in Texas...) incorporating greens and browns instead of traditional red and blue bandana paisley and fringe. Yeehaw.

So each boy officially has a space to call his own, although I'm sure they will be encroaching on each other's territory before we know it. With any luck, they won't take cues from Murphy and start peeing on their own door frames to keep the other one out...but I'm not holding my breath on that one.


Karyn said...

The rooms look great!
I'm shamelessly stealing the art clothes line idea.
And the little cow pillow? WHERE DID YOU GET IT? It is the cutest thing ever. More info, please. :-)
Love, Karyn

grammy said...

I've seen Alex's room but this is the first pic of Isaac's room.
Luv Luv Luv Luv Luv Luv Luv Luv !!!

momboe said...

Sarah, not to sound like your mother...but well, I am. I sure hope you didn't tippy toe off the top of a stool to hang all that stuff! Gesh, I guess I won't have a thing to do but play play play when I get there! You did all the hard work!
Your dad raced to the door to let me know (once again) he got to your post before I did and he is just amazed at how beautiful the rooms are. He is right! What showrooms!
I hope Isaac's new banner fits in!!
I'm starting to pack to come see the rooms in person!
Good job!
Kiss noise,
Granny B

Joy said...

Sarah. These look absolutely incredible! Like holy cow. I absolutely love them, and cannot wait to come visit you guys sometime soon!! Lots of love comin' your way.