Sunday, January 6, 2008

Homeward Bound

We left Eldo Thursday morning to go back home. Alex said his goodbyes and thank yous for a wonderful first Christmas.

We were tempted to rent a U-Haul to cart all of our Christmas winnings back to Fayetteville, but instead, Grammy, Papa, and Auntie L volunteered to come up in a couple of weeks to bring whatever we could not cram into our car. It was a difficult task to decide what we'd be willing to leave behind, but we did it, packed the car with the rest, and set off on the long trek home.

Seth, Joy, and Oliver left around the same time we did, and we wondered whether might run into them somewhere along the way. When we got to Conway around lunchtime, Joy texted to ask where we were and to let us know that they were in...Conway! So we met up for lunch at Wendy's, where we decided to risk cootie infection by letting Alex sit in a Wendy's high chair. Unfortunately I was unprepared for such an occasion and didn't have the high chair cootie shield with me, so we had to improvise with his blanket. It was the first time we had attempted to use a high chair as opposed to his baby seat and didn't know how he would fare. We gave him a few toys to keep him occupied and he hung out in there without complaint until it was time to go.

As we were heading north, Grandma B and Aunt Rachel were southbound, en route to meet us at our house for the second phase of our Christmas celebration. Grandpa B had to work but would be joining us the next day. We had a little time when we got home to freshen up and get a nap, then Grandma B and Aunt Rach arrived and got the party started. By the look of his shirt, Alex was expecting a luau. Or maybe he just wanted to impress Grandpa B who has a penchant for Hawaiian garb (grass skirts and coconut bras included).

Lately, A has shown increased interest in all things electronic (computers, cameras), including cell phones. So when Grandma B was talking on the phone to Grandpa, Alex was fascinated by the sound of Grandpa's voice coming out of the phone and tried, without success, to unwrap the mystery.

Bathtime was always one of my favorite things as a baby, and it happens to be one of Alex's. So Grandma B was more than willing to take on bathtime with Alex and relive a little of my childhood.

Dad wasn't gonna get in until Friday afternoon, so we decided to hone our Guitar Hero Skills to kill some time before he arrived. Mom and Rach were GH newbies so we were really looking forward to making fun of their feeble attempts to land even a single note. Unfortunately, we were sorely disappointed to discover that they are both Guitar Hero prodigies and rocked out on their very first tries. Party poopers.

Dad got in Friday evening, right in time for dinner at Noodles with the Primms who were nice enough to invite us. Oliver was "psyched" that we were able to hang out together, and Alex was psyched to get to hang with his Grandpa.

Mmmmm, Noodles. I highly recommend the fried calamari. Anyhoo, after dinner, the Primms came back to our house so our boys could exchange gifts. Oliver got a little distracted when he spotted the GH guitars and played us a little tune before opening gifts. O got Alex a cool photo cube where he can put pictures of all of his friends and an Ugly Doll named Wage - Minimum Wage. Man I love those things. And Alex will too, he just doesn't know it yet. For now he just loves to slobber on it. Alex got O some shiny balls - foot, basket, and soccer, I think. He seemed to like them. I mean, what boy doesn't love balls?

Alex and Oliver thanked each other for the lovely gifts by way of a sweet - er, manly - hug. Then the Primms headed home and we headed to bed so we'd be ready for yet another "Christmas morning."

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