Saturday, December 8, 2007

All in the Family

The haps in our hood over the last few days...

Around the house:

Pre-Catfish Hole II (dinner in Alma, AR, with Grammy and Papa):

At Catfish Hole II with Grammy and Papa:

Post-Catfish Hole II fatness (from this pic, you'd think he'd indulged in the A.Y.C.E. catfish fillets):

I-L-L-I-N-I Basketball!!

Serenading me in exchange for some rice cereal:

Doggysitting Bella:


leah said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE all these pics!! I love the ones of him standing.....but they make him look like such a big boy :-( and whats in that cup?? sweet tea??? He's laying like Harry lays in the one with him in Tim's lap!! :-) and the I-L-L-I-N-I pictures are way to cute!! CUTE, CUTE, CUTE, CUTE, CUTE

Joy said...

LOVE those pics of Tim and Alex in their Illini gear - super cute. Thanks so much for doggysitting our sweet Bella! She told me she had a really good time :)